Art tape is my good pal in class
As Osiris' time as a teacher is winding down here(#sad), I've been looking forward to Wednesday nights even more than usual. Remember, finding this class was the first thing that I did after moving in and it's helped me a lot in feeling like NC can be a new home for me.
The two 5 minute poses to start the class tend to be the most important to me. I love the shorter poses, and these let me get loose without the frantic push that sometimes hit with 1 minute poses. Look close here and you can see the first part of the mile of art tape I used last night. But as the model took her first break, I looked at these and felt really happy about these and the rest of the night. Woooooart tape.
This is the beginning of the long pose of the night, and I knew that I wanted to do a more graphic look the second the model assumed this pose. Thankfully, I had some oil bars with me along with the art tape(there is A LOT of that here). After her first break from this pose I looked over the line drawing and was really happy with it(simple with exactly the information that I wanted/needed to show). So fuck it let's fill in a large box with a blue oil bar.
I really like this one.
Now I'm thinking that I want to go all in on a charcoal drawing. With the way the lighting worked here I thought it'd be cool to get messy with a rich charcoal drawing. The kind of drawing that I'm cleaning art supplies off my hands and arms and face kind of good.
Fuck my life, I forgot to bring charcoal.
I asked helpful Osiris if he had any charcoal that I could use. After a determined couple of minutes of hobbling around the studio and art van, Osiris realized that he left his art supplies at the mural site he is killing right now.
Fine, I'll toothbrush some Sumi ink around with a clear oil bar then.
And I'll add some white paint and razor blade scraping too.
Don't worry, I did have art supplies to clean up on my hands and arms and face.
This was a great night of drawing, with one more class to go...